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1. Stratospheric Soot 2. Rocket Propellants
3. Martian Madness 4. Helium
5. Re-entry Debris 6. Suborbital Debris
7. Plutonium in Space 8. Cosmos 1818
9. Re-useable Rockets 10. Space Tourism
11. Launch Accidents 12. Ozone Depletion
13. Overview Effect 14. HAPS
15. Sustainable Space 16. Our Long Future

Launch Accidents

Most space launches are successful, but a few aren't. Launch failures are spectacular and have environmental consequences.

Antares - NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia

28 October 2014

Russian Proton M - Baikanor Cosmodrome

2 July 2013.

The rocket was fuelled with 600 tonnes of hydrazine propellant.

Delta 2 - Cape Canaveral

17 January 1997

Ariane-5 - French Guiana

4 June 1996