Help us understand & protect our home planet for the Long Future.

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This planet's good for a billion years if we look after it.

Professional Development

The Long Future Foundation delivers professional development workshops and presentations. These programs introduce attendees to the Long Future Framework and then help to develop competencies in the physics and biology of sustainability. The presentations include passionate spoken word, powerpoint, audio-visual elements and audience participation.

Reframing the Future - Adapting to Change

A two-day workshop delivered by A two-day workshop presented by two of Australia's leading sustainability training organisations - the Long Future Foundation and Sustain Ability International.

Brisbane - 25 - 26 October

Melbourne - 15-16 November

Read Details here:



Executive Briefing

Delivered over four hours, the Long Future Executive Briefing is an interactive, multimedia experience that seeks to tell a big story in a small amount of time.

The briefing describes the elements of the Long Future system framework and then drills down to reveal the key insights that leaders need in order to chart their own journey towards the Long Future for their organisation.

International case studies are discussed that demonstrate Long Future thinking is being bought into existence around the world by other organisations.

Executive Briefing attendees will come away from the briefing with a sense that the world suddenly makes sense, confident that the have edge over their competitors, and more than ever able to see the elephants in their own board room.

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